Der neue – populistische – Spot von Panos Kammenos (ANEL) – dem ehemaligen Koaltionspartner...
Die Partei "Unabhängige Griechen" und ihr Vorsitzender Panos Kammenos haben wieder einmal einen "Spot" im Rahmen ihrer Wahlkampfwerbung publiziert.Auf diesem ist ein kleiner schwarzer Hund zu sehen, der auf Geheiß einer Deutsch sprechenden Dame...
Separated and kept in an office: How a 7-year-old remembers zero tolerance
In May of 2018, Maria Antonia Larios Soto began the trek from Guatemala to the U.S.-Mexico border with her then 6-year-old son, Wilson. They arrived at the border in late May, and just after...
Chris Watts | The Watts Family Homicides
The Watts Family Homicides occurred between the night of August 12, 2018 and morning of August 13, 2018, where Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife Shan’ann Watts and their two young daughters,...
Your Brain Perceives Reality By Hallucinating
Many people assume that they perceive the world as it actually is as if eyes and ears were windows that allow us to access an objective reality. But perception is not an accurate reflection...
10 Countries Most Afflicted By Modern Slavery | 2017
Slavery used to look like this, then it evolved into this, and today it looks like this. In fact, there are an estimated 45.8 million people living in modern slavery across 167 different countries.
Asylum-seeking Saudi teenager aided by United Nations
United Nations officials have taken charge of Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, a Saudi teenager who defied deportation from Thailand. The 18-year-old says she's fleeing abuse and had barricaded herself in a Bangkok hotel...
Viola Davis explains why there’s a long way to go to eliminate racism
"I'm dark, I'm 53, I'm in my natural hair – I'm in bed with Liam Neeson. And he's not my slave owner. I'm not a prostitute. We simply are a couple in love. I've...
‚I spent 10 years as a sex slave‘ – A British woman describes her...
Jenny was groomed from the age of 11 and was held as a sex slave for 10 years. She says the experience made her feel like she was "not really alive" but has now...
Antisemitische Attacken gegen Juden in Deutschland
Mit Entsetzen stellen Deutschlands Juden fest, dass sich Antisemiten immer öfter ganz offen und mit vollem Namen zu ihren Hassattacken bekennen. Wer steckt hinter diesen Drohungen und Beleidigungen? Recherchen von report München zu einem...
Trump says U.S. will cut aid over the migrant caravan
Migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador say they're fleeing poverty, persecution and gang violence. The caravan is now estimated to include more than 7,200 migrants, and more are expected to join on Tuesday,...