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Molly Burke on what it’s like to go blind

Molly Burke, YouTuber and motivational speaker, lost her vision at a young age after being diagnosed with a rare genetic eye disease—retinitis pigmentosa. Her blindness became a catalyst for creatively connecting with others online....

How feminist blogger Anita Sarkeesian fights trolls

Anita Sarkeesian is a feminist media critic and blogger who was at the center of the Gamergate controversy after speaking out about sexist depictions of women in video games. Over five years after the...
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‘You Are Still Black’: Charlottesville’s Racial Divide Hinders Black Students

Zyahna Bryant and Trinity Hughes, high school seniors, have been friends since they were 6, raised by blue-collar families in this affluent college town. They played on the same T-ball and softball teams, and...

Beauty vlogger Shalom Blac on never being in a relationship

Shalom Blac is a fashion and beauty vlogger, and her makeup transformation tutorials on YouTube are as inspiring as they are fabulous. Blac is a burn survivor, and admits to struggling with self-love in...

Meet the Face of the Millennial Anti-Abortion Movement

Lila Rose advocates for reversing Roe v. Wade in a new short documentary from The Atlantic. “The right to abortion is not a real right,” says Lila Rose, the founding president of the pro-life organization...

13-Year-Old Sentenced to 170 Years in Prison

When he was 15-years-old, Ronald Sanford was given 170-years in prison for his part in a double-homicide he'd committed when he was 13. He'll be eligible for parole when he's 100.

Vorstellung der Missbrauchsstudie der katholischen Kirche – Vollversammlung 2018

Der Vorsitzende der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, Kardinal Reinhard Marx, hat bei den Opfern von sexuellem Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche um Entschuldigung gebeten. Er bitte um Vergebung "für alles Versagen und allen Schmerz", sagte Marx...

Through the Eyes of Deaf Children

A day in the life of a third-grade classroom at the California School for the Deaf. Like the narrative application of Occam’s Razor, sometimes the best way into a story is the simplest. A View...

Angespuckt, bedroht, beschimpft – Was Juden in Deutschland erleben

Antisemitismus: In Berlin wurde im bürgerlichen Stadtteil Prenzlauer Berg ein Kippa-Träger mit einem Gürtel geschlagen, mitten am Tag. Für Jüdinnen und Juden in Deutschland sind diese Meldungen keine Überraschung, denn sie erleben in ihrem Alltag...

Werden Wohnungen in den Städten unbezahlbar? Albtraum Wohnen

Wohnungsmangel, explodierende Mieten, Luxusneubauten: Immer mehr Menschen zieht es in die Großstädte. Doch dort bezahlbaren Wohnraum zu finden ist mittlerweile eine echte Herausforderung. Insbesondere Menschen und Familien mit geringen und mittleren Einkommen bleiben immer...
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